Published on January 7, 2005 By Tinuviel_04 In Misc
There are so many superstitions... Don't walk under a ladder; If you break a mirror you have bad luck for seven years; it is bad luck if a black cat crosses your path (hmm... I own a black cat.... perhaps that explains the path of my life??); if you spill salt, throw it over your shoulder; Don't cross your eyes or they'll stay that way (a real popular one to tell kids). And those are just the most common ones. I am sure many others exist. But what causes them to run peoples lives to a point?? I was in a mall the other day and these two ladies were in the parking lot bending over staring at the ground. In catching their conversation, there was a penny there and they were trying to figure out if it was heads up or not. If the head is up, pick it up for good luck. If the head is down, leave it on the ground. This is money people! Granted it's only a penny... but it's money. And they were there for almost five minutes discussing it.
Who comes up with these superstitions? Does anybody else follow them and believe in them. And, if I am forgetting any,,, what are other ones to "believe".

on Jan 07, 2005
I don't believe in them, but I think they are fun to participate in anyways. Kids get a kick out of them.

On the heads up penny = good luck one, I'll share something I think is cute. Whenever my man sees a penny heads down, he reaches down and flips it over. The first few times he did that, I couldn't believe it. And every time, for over three years now, he sees a penny he actually does this. I find it a charming quirk.