Tinuviel_04's Articles In Misc
September 26, 2005 by Tinuviel_04
Now that the heartrate is (semi) back to normal and things have calmed down... got a great one to tell. Last Wednesday afternoon while at work, I heard a dog bark outside. I work on the second floor of a two story building with a door at either end of the building. We use the front one and keep the back one locked. Never use it. It's at the other end of the bldg from where I sit. There is a stairwell that goes straight down and then you either go outside or to another door to access the...
January 7, 2005 by Tinuviel_04
There are so many superstitions... Don't walk under a ladder; If you break a mirror you have bad luck for seven years; it is bad luck if a black cat crosses your path (hmm... I own a black cat.... perhaps that explains the path of my life??); if you spill salt, throw it over your shoulder; Don't cross your eyes or they'll stay that way (a real popular one to tell kids). And those are just the most common ones. I am sure many others exist. But what causes them to run peoples lives to a point??...
September 15, 2004 by Tinuviel_04
Yes. It has been awhile since I took the drivers ed classes that we as teenagers are excited for. But I am beginning to wonder if I need to re-take them because laws seems to have changed since my day. But, in not solely picking on the new drivers of this generation, I must have taken the wrong class because drivers of my generation as well as before mine also took a different class then I did. I learned that you use a turn signal to turn either left or right or change lanes. Today: you dri...
August 26, 2004 by Tinuviel_04
Had to go to the store tonight after leaving the movie theatre. Bought 5 storage containers yesterday and the blonde in me only got 5 lids. Well, while at the store, I remembered I needed one other item so I got that and was standing in the checkout. In front of me was a mom and her son. About 4 years old or so. Well, the boy was sitting on two DVDs. I watched as the lady emptied her cart and the child remained sitting on the videos. Well, the register behind us was open so the impatient me w...
June 30, 2004 by Tinuviel_04
I don't know. Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm overreacting too much. I don't think I am though. Today is my child's birthday party for her friends. She chose to have it at a local roller rink. $8 a child. Includes skating, pizza, pop and party. They pay $2 extra if they want roller blades. She invited 14 friends. Well,,, of these 14 friends invited, three parents have called asking if their child could bring a brother/sister/cousin, etc. I was not brought up that way. If I was invited to a party, it...